Our family of seven has spent 2020 developing habits and growing into a new calling.
We pray together as a family.
We read parts of the Bible and come together to discuss it as a family.
We walk through questions and doubts as a family.
And, in the midst of everything that is 2020, about four months ago my husband was offered a pastoring position at a new church, in a new city, more than four hours away from the place we called home.
As a family, we prayed about the position; we prayed whether this was a move we should make. And we felt God leading us on this new journey.
We sold the only home our seven kids have ever known. We moved away from our family, our friends, our community, our kids schools – all during a pandemic.
It has been exciting and scary all at the same time.
But, when God calls you somewhere, He always makes a way.
After having our home on the market for only a week, someone put in an offer and we closed escrow in 30 days. While it took over a month and half longer than that for us to find a place in Napa to move, God made a way. We found the right house, at the right time, that felt like it was made just for our family of nine.
The first month we were in Napa, we had to stay in a hotel while waiting for our rental to be ready. All the while, our kids were starting new schools and trying to engage in a new youth ministry, all through Zoom. It has not always been easy, but when God calls you to go somewhere or do something, He does not promise easy. There may be some bumps in the road, but you will never be alone.
Still following God’s plan,
The next several stories posts will be from different staff members as they explain what “Maintaining the Mission” has meant to them over the course of 2020’s forever changes. This week, read the take from JAMIE MATHIS, our newly appointed Vice President of Trips.