For our 2021 REACH1 Events, we are going to be adding a new element to help serve our missionaries while still equipping people to serve their own communities.
REACH1 is about taking chances in our communities, bringing hope to people who feel disconnected. REACH1 is about challenging yourself to think deeper about what it means to REACH your neighbors, your family, and your friends.
We are going to be giving all the proceeds from our REACH1 events in 2021 to whichever missionary is joining us to share. We will continue to incorporate relational evangelism training and will also be adding a time for a missionary to share their story, answer a few questions, and be prayed for.
Change doesn’t have to wait. We can make a difference in our communities and around the world by just reaching one.
Register now for just $5/person, or $50 for groups of 10 or more, and you will get all the necessary training materials, a prayer guide to help you prepare, a customized plan to reach your community and access to the live Zoom training sessions.
Upon completing registration, you will receive a welcome packet with all the details you need to get started.
Upcoming REACH1 Events:
September 25, 2021
November 20, 2021
For additional info, reach1@globalpassion.org
For our 2021 REACH1 Events, we are going to be adding a new element to help serve our missionaries while still equipping people to serve their own communities.
REACH1 is about taking chances in our communities, bringing hope to people who feel disconnected. REACH1 is about challenging yourself to think deeper about what it means to REACH your neighbors, your family, and your friends.
We are going to be giving all the proceeds from our REACH1 events in 2021 to whichever missionary is joining us to share. We will continue to incorporate relational evangelism training and will also be adding a time for a missionary to share their story, answer a few questions, and be prayed for.
Change doesn’t have to wait. We can make a difference in our communities and around the world by just reaching one.
Register now for just $5/person, or $50 for groups of 10 or more, and you will get all the necessary training materials, a prayer guide to help you prepare, a customized plan to reach your community and access to the live Zoom training sessions.
Upon completing registration, you will receive a welcome packet with all the details you need to get started.
Upcoming REACH1 Events:
September 25, 2021
November 20, 2021
For additional info, reach1@globalpassion.org